Call for Special Session Proposals

The IEEE RASSE 2023, is a premier conference in systems science and engineering research. RASSE invites proposals for Special Sessions with approximately 4-5 papers to be presented at the conference. The purpose of these Special Sessions is to provide a platform for presenting novel ideas in a more focused and perhaps less formal manner than regular papers at the main conference.  Special Session proposals should include a list paper titles and contributing authors. Special Session proposals are solicited in all areas, and topics on systems design and implementation and collection of papers addressing emerging research directions in these areas are also welcomed.

Accepted RASSE 2023 papers at each Special Session will be included as part of the RASSE conference proceeding published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, demonstrating their affiliation with the IEEE Systems Council. The organizing committee expects that all accepted papers presented at a Special Session will adhere to a common paper submission as per RASSE conference standard (i.e., two-column IEEE conference style, maximum paper length of 6 pages) and reviewing schedule, as outlined in the Conference Call for Papers. Special Session chair(s) are expected to provide support for the delivery of their Session program and that all accepted papers meet all IEEE publication requirements. To be included in the conference proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the designated Special Session.

Submission Guidelines

Each Special Session proposal should include the following information:

  1. The full name of the Special Session with preferred abbreviation
  2. The names and contact details of the Session Chair/Co-chair(s)
  3. A list of papers that are intended to be registered and presented at the Special Session
  4. The names of proposed keynote speakers in case a keynote speech is included in the planned format of the Session
  5. The names and affiliations of potential reviewers for all papers included in the Session.

Special Session proposals must be submitted by August 20, 2023 by e-mail to Dr. Anju Pratap ( and/or Dr. Bernard Fong (, the RASSE 2023 Special Sessions Chairs, using “RASSE2023 Special Session Submission” as the email subject. Informal discussion about the possibility of organizing a special session can also be addressed to the same contact.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for proposals: August 20, 2023
Workshop organizer notifications: September 28, 2023

All due dates for Special Session papers are the same as those for the RASSE 2023 conference unless prior arrangements for extension have been made with the Technical Program Committee.